Computing Lead

Ms Almaz Thomas

Ms Almaz Thomas

Computing Lead

Ms Almaz Thomas - Computing Lead

Computing Overview & Policy


At Corpus Christi Primary School we aim for our children to develop, use and apply computing skills to support and extend their learning confidently and independently. We develop a culture where the use of ICT (information, communication and technology) becomes second nature to our pupils, ensuring they are ready and able to embrace the technological advances of the future and prepare pupils for the real world. 


Children in all key stages have access to 60 shared iPads and over 50 Google Chromebooks. The children are taught using Interactive whiteboards, visualisers, digital cameras and numerous other technologies. The use of Google Classroom and Google Drive have allowed both teachers and students to work collaboratively with one another. Although the children follow a specific computing curriculum, all staff are constantly looking for ways to include the use of technology in all curriculum subjects and across all key stages.  








There is an emphasis on learning key computing skills, including programming, debugging and exchanging and processing information. The children are taught how to access information, evaluate its suitability, store it, share it with others and tailor it to meet their own needs. These skills are vital and transferable, preparing children for the real world. 

Collaborative learning is encouraged and promoted across our Computing curriculum. Collaborative learning encourages children to learn and work together which allows all pupils to grow in confidence, participate more and work alongside one another, sharing ideas.  






Digital Literacy (Online Safety) 

Digital Literacy is a large part of the computing curriculum; at the start of the year, children are taught how to use ICT safely and throughout the year, children are consistently reminded of the importance of these lessons. In all year groups, children undertake e-safety sessions on topics such as cyber bullying, keeping information safe and responsible use of social media.  








Computer Science 

Children in Years 1-6 have access to a number of programming tools, such as Bee-Bots, Scratch and Scratch Jr and Programming Turtle Logo. During their Computer Science unit, children will: 

  • Learn the key principles of programming 

  • Learn what algorithms are and how they work 

  • Develop their logical reasoning skills 

  • Learn how to write and edit code  






Informational Technology 

Children in Years 1-6 complete a range of activities and projects throughout their time at Corpus Christi, which showcase a range of skills taught and learnt. Pupils build on their processing and formatting skills throughout their time at school and develop their creativity and exploration skills through learning such as: 

  • Typing and formatting 

  • Safe searching and using the internet  

  • Using various apps for creating projects (such as animation, podcasting, making short films) 

These skills are repeated and used across the curriculum in a variety of lessons. 



Aims of the Computing curriculum are to enable children to: 

  • Become creative, logical, critical thinkers, who reason systematically and work collaboratively. Risk taking and innovation are encouraged and will be enriched through computer science. 

  • Analyse problems in computational terms and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs to solve such problems. 

  • Appreciate the relevance and importance of digital literacy (online safety) in our society and that they see it as an essential tool for learning, communication, finding information and for controlling and understanding their environment. 

  • Explore their attitudes towards computing and its value to them. For example, to learn about the importance of security, confidentiality and accuracy. As a child’s confidence grows, they will be able to make informed and discerning choices about their use of information technology. 




Curriculum enrichment & Pupil leadership 

At Corpus Christi, we provide a range of enrichment and pupil leadership roles and responsibilities. Children in the Upper Juniors have the opportunity to become ‘Digital Leaders’. They are responsible for the delivery and care of ICT equipment, create posters for upcoming events, lead assemblies and run workshops helping younger year groups with their computing lessons.   

Enrichment opportunities include 

  • Safer Internet Day (workshops, assemblies, activities) 

  • STEM events hosted by Bishop Thomas Grant School 

  • A range of trips (e.g. Science Museum)  

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