Safeguarding is a priority for every single member of staff at Corpus Christi. The school is fully committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all our pupils, staff and visitors and we have invested in training across the whole school staff and Governors within many different disciplines to ensure that we can discharge our responsibilities effectively and knowledgeably.

The Senior and Middle Leadership teams have additional responsibilities regarding Safeguarding and are the school's Designated Safeguarding Leads. If you feel that there is a issue of concern you should contact the relevant member of staff directly and they will deal with your concern quickly and confidentially.  The escalation process for any concern is detailed below. 

School Leadership Team

Mrs J Connery

Mrs J Connery

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr R Coyle

Mr R Coyle

Deputy Safeguarding Lead & Finance Officer

Mrs K Smart

Mrs K Smart

Assistant Headteacher
Assistant Safeguarding Lead

Mrs S Cole

Mrs S Cole

Assistant Headteacher
Assistant Safeguarding Lead

Ms S Ruiz

Ms S Ruiz

School Business Manager
Assistant Safeguarding Lead

Miranda Sawyer

Miranda Sawyer

Chair Of Governors
Chair of Governors

Phase Group Leaders

Mrs L Powell

Mrs L Powell

EYFS Phase Group Leader

Mrs Duffy

Mrs Duffy

Infants Phase Leader

Mrs Giles

Mrs Giles

Lower Juniors (Lower KS2) Phase Leader

Miss Earle

Miss Earle

Upper Juniors (Upper KS2) Phase Leader

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s education of welfare at Corpus Christi please follow the step by step guide on the best way to raise these.

Class Teacher - Step 1 

In the first instance you should ask your child’s class teacher about queries such as homework, school work, friendships or progress matters


Phase Group Leader - Step 2 

If matters cannot be resolved at class based level, then you can contact the Phase Group Leader who can organise further support within the phase group.


Assistant Headteacher - Step 3 

Issues relating to member of staff or concerns about the wellbeing of your child or other children in the Juniors and infants need to be discussed with the Assistant Headteachers


Co- Headteacher - Step 4

The Co-Headteachers can be contacted if you have personal, financial or confidential matters to discuss. Serious concerns relating to the wellbeing of your child or other children will be referred to the Co-Headteachers.


School Business Manager and Chair of Governors - Step 5

You can email the School Business Manager with issues relating to school admissions, free school meals entitlement and payment of services.  The chair of Governors can be contacted regarding serious issues that cannot be resolved by the Co-Headteachers.



Below you will find a suite of policy documents which reinforce our commitment. 



We have stringent security measures across the school and visitors are asked to adhere to these at all times

Visitors are asked to sign in at reception, you will be asked to wear the ID card given to you ensuring it is visible at all times.  You will also be given an information leaflet giving details on H&S and safeguarding measures in place.  They will be asked to sign the leaflet and this is scanned and stored confirming that you have understood the information. If a visitor will be working with children you will be asked to provide a valid DBS and photo ID.

No visitors are allowed to take or record images of the children at any time without express permission of the Headteachers. Please do not use your mobile phone whilst around the children. 


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