Welcome to Lower Key Stage 2. 

Teaching Staff: 

KS2 - Lower Juniors

Mrs G Jenson

Mrs G Jenson

Class Seven Teacher
Year Three Teacher & English Lead

Miss E Cook

Miss E Cook

Class Eight Teacher
Year Three Teacher

Miss VonLanthen

Miss VonLanthen

Class Nine Teacher
Year Four Teacher

Mrs Duffy

Mrs Duffy

Class Ten Teacher
Year Four Teacher & RE Coordinator

Support staff:

  • Miss Murnin
  • Mrs Richmond
  • Miss Lopeman
  • Miss Cook
  • Miss Quintero

We look forward to working in partnership with you over the academic year.

Transition from KS1 to KS2

This year is an exciting and important time for the children as they move from the Infants (Key Stage 1) across the road to the Lower Juniors. Transition at Corpus Christi is carefully planned for; both the Year 2 and Year 3 teachers work hard to ensure that the children feel prepared and secure as they move into the Lower Juniors. 

Class Structure and Interaction

The children are organised into two new classes as they move into the Lower Juniors. We ensure that each class is an equal balance of age, gender, and ability. The children are already very familiar with each other, having worked closely together throughout EYFS and the Infants. 
We follow the National Curriculum at Corpus Christi and every term each year group focuses on a topic that we will connect to the National Curriculum subjects below. More topic details can be found in our termly newsletters.
•    Maths
•    English
•    Religion
•    Science
•    Design and Technology
•    History
•    Geography
•    Art and Design
•    Music
•    Physical education 
•    Computing
•    PSHE



Children in the Lower Juniors have weekly homework tasks in Maths and English; as well as a weekly spelling list to learn. Homework and spellimgs are set on a Friday and are due in the following Friday.

Curriculum Enrichment:

We organise a variety of educational visits throughout the year which relate to the topics the children are studying in school. We encourage parents to join us on educational visits when possible. We also invite visitors and theatre companies into school at certain times throughout the year, in order to enhance the children’s learning. Parents and family members are invited and encouraged to come into school to share any expertise or experiences they have which are related to the topic the children are studying. 


All Year 3 children will join the school band, which takes place every Monday afternoon (2.00-300pm). They will be given a choice of instrument they would like to learn and be given specialist tuition by Lambeth Music Service to learn to play an instrument in groups and as a whole band. In year 4 children can decide if they would like to continue to participate in the Corpus Christi School Band and this takes place on Tuesday Afternoons (2.30-3.30pm.)

Year 3 Science Evening:


In Year 3, the children take part in an annual Science Evening during the spring term. On this evening the children will be provided with a hot meal and afterwards, they will take part in a variety of fun science activities.

Year 4 School Journey:

The Year 4 children have a wonderful opportunity to go on their first residential trip during their time at Corpus Christi school. On this trip they develop their independence, resilience and teamwork and social skills. 


The progress of the children will be continually assessed throughout the year. In addition the children will sit formal assessments in Reading, SPaGs and Mathematics which help to further inform teachers and parents about individual progress and attainment. These assessments take place towards the end of the autumn and summer terms. Writing will be assessed continuously throughout the year.


Our aim is to involve parents as much as possible in school life. Teachers are always pleased to see parents to discuss any concerns that they may have and are available most mornings at the school gate. 
However, it may be necessary to make an appointment; if you feel that you will need more than just a few minutes of the teacher’s time. You can do this by emailing the class teacher or contacting the school office, and the staff there will make the necessary arrangements for you.


We encourage parents to communicate with the staff, but please note that e-mailing teachers should be reserved for issues such as:
• Informing staff of appointments such as doctors, dentist etc. Please also copy the office into any email sent to your child’s class teacher regarding appointments. 
• Informing staff of a change to pick up / drop off arrangements. 
(If the change occurs during the school day, please inform the school office who will inform staff)
• Requesting an appointment to see a teacher
• Addressing minor queries such as questions about homework, upcoming trips, school events, etc.
Please avoid using the e-mail system to address issues regarding your child’s education or well-being that would be better suited to a one-to-one conversation.

Weekly school newsletters - Will be available online every Friday afternoon to give information about the week ahead.

Lower Juniors Newsletters - These are published on the school website and class Google pages at the start of each term outlining the topics that the children will cover and any relevant information for that term.

Two Parents Evenings - A formal opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with their teacher.

End of Year Report - Sent home at the end of the Summer Term. 



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