The Corpus Christi School Charitable Trust (MIDAS) raises money though parental donations for projects aimed at enhancing the children's educational and extra curricular activities including the facilities available to them.  We call it MIDAS for short, Money Invested Directly At School.

In the past this fund has provided;

  • A fully fitted and equipped ICT suite 
  • Musical instruments for the school band
  • Extension of teaching facilities and extended day facilities
  • It has also provided support to families in need to ensure that children have equal access to educational and extra curricular experiences, such as music and school journeys  
  • Support for the Alumni project to provide ongoing support and networking for past pupils.
  • More recently we have provided Chromebooks for remote learning during the pandemic.
  • We have also supported families with emergency support.
  • Green playgrounds to enhance the children's play and learning environments.

How can you help?

Parents can make regular donations by setting up a regular payment with your bank to:

Corpus Christi School Charitable Trust 

Sort Code 30-95-74

Account   02920131

These donations can also be subject to gift aid. Gift aid is a government scheme where we can get an additional 25p for every pound donated by simply completing the the gift aid form and returning it to the school office.

How else can you help...

We have teamed up with to make fundraising easier. Did you know that every time you buy something online you could be raising money for MIDAS at no extra cost to you?  That’s right - over 2400 well known retailers including Amazon, M&S, Boden, Waitrose, House of Fraser, Vodafone, Virgin Atlantic and many more, will donate a percentage of what you spend to our MIDAS Trust when you shop with them, via fundraising website  It’s like nectar but instead of earning points, each purchase generates a donation.

How do I start?

Instead of going directly to a retailer’s website, go to easyfundraising first and choose the retailer you want to shop with – then everything you spend with that retailer earns a free donation for our MIDAS. It’s completely free to use and your shopping won’t cost you a penny more. On average, each retailer will donate 5% of the cost of your shopping - and those donations soon mount up. So whatever you need to buy, from your weekly grocery shop or fashion must-have, to your business travel, office supplies or mobile phone, buy it via easyfundraising and raise money for MIDAS at no extra cost to you! Please register to supporting us when you shop online -

To help us claim Git Aid on any donations you make please complete this form. 

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