We are a diverse community of families and staff at Corpus Christi School where we speak and understand nearly forty different languages at home and at school. Our EAL point of contact, Mrs Maria Tomoriova, works with children across the school to preview vocabulary and make lessons as accessible as possible for English learners.

Mrs Tomoriova also celebrates all languages represented in our school. Once a month a language that some of us speak and understand is selected and then families are invited to contribute to our interactive displays with sound buttons. Our language of the month is displayed in the Main Hall, on Instagram and also advertised in our newsletter.

We have had songs recorded in home languages, poems recited and parents visit to tell dual language stories in their home languages and English. Children also often bring in pictures and artefacts form home to celebrate their language and heritage. If you would like to know more, please contact Mrs Tomoriova on mtomoriova@corpus-christi.org.uk


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