Maths Lead

Miss Dew

Miss Dew

Maths Lead

Miss Dew - Maths Lead

A high quality Mathematics education provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, and a sense of excitement and curiosity about the subject. As pupils learn Mathematics at Corpus Christi Primary School, they acquire fluency in procedures and develop a conceptual understanding, so they are able to solve increasingly complex problems. 
At Corpus Christi Primary School we aim to ensure that children become confident, creative users and communicators of Mathematics. Our mathematics curriculum provides pupils with essential mathematical skills and knowledge in number, shape, space and measure, and handling data.
Mathematical development is one of the seven areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage. This area of learning includes; counting, ordering, calculating, sorting, matching, seeking patterns, making connections, recognising relationships and working with numbers, shapes, space and measures. 
Mathematical understanding is developed through stories, songs, games, imaginative play and concrete, practical experiences. This approach is continued into Year 1 until the children have achieved the Early Learning Goals.
In Key Stage 1 and 2 our curriculum provision ensures high standards, continuity and progression through the age ranges. Mathematics is taught daily, in every class, with lesson time being extended through out-of-class activities and regular homework. The foundations of mental calculation and recall of number facts are established thoroughly before standard written methods are introduced. We ensure that children’s conceptual understanding is developed through the use of practical resources, a variety of pictorial representations and a wide range of mathematical vocabulary.
We believe a good understanding of, and proficiency in, mathematics is crucial to the development of our children into adults who can function effectively in, and understand, the modern world.
There are numerous websites and apps that can support and extend your child’s Maths learning at home.
The school subscribes to MathsShed (Reception to Year 6) and Timestable Rockstars (Year 2 to Year 6). Please click on the links and enter your child’s username and password. New usernames and passwords can be requested from your child’s class teacher. Both websites can be accessed on tablets by downloading the appropriate apps.
Other useful websites:  (available in the free app ‘Times table learning with SpuQ’)



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