Educational Enrichment

There are a number of ways in which we enhance the children's learning experiences at Corpus Christi School. 

There are many opportunities for parents to accompany us on day visits and we welcome family members into school to share their skills, interests and talents. Parents will be asked to make an annual contribution per child towards the cost of enrichment activities. The school will subsidise this payment, in order to provide a range of educational visits and workshops within school.  At Corpus Christi School we use ParentPay to collect this payment.

School Trips (Day)

Classes make visits to places of interest throughout the year. By spending educational days away from the school, we aim to enhance the curriculum, taking it beyond the classroom and into other settings and contexts. During a child’s time with us, they will be given the opportunity to visit a vast array of exciting museums, galleries, farms and other places of interest.

Day Trips include:

  • Hampton Court
  • Dulwich Picture Gallery
  • National Portrait Gallery
  • Buckingham Palace 
  • Imperial War Museum
  • Horniman Museum 
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Little Angel Theatre

School Trips (Residential)

From Year 2 onwards, each year group is given the experience of staying away from home. We believe this helps to develop confidence, social skills and friendships, all of which we value highly.


  • Year 3: science evening
  • Year 4: 2 day camping trip to the Fort
  • Year 5: weeks camping trip in the New Forest
  • Year 6: weeks residential trip to a PGL Centre on the Isle of Wight

School Based Enrichment

To enhance the children's learning experiences, we regularly invite theatre groups and visitors into school to support the curriculum. These include:

  • Freshwater Theatre
  • Black History Workshops
  • Transport for London 
  • The Metropolitan Police
  • NSPCC 
  • The British Red Cross 


Financial Hardship

No child will miss out on any activity due to financial hardship. If you need help with the cost of school activities, please speak to the Co-Headteachers, who will deal with this matter in complete confidence.

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