Welcome to Key Stage 1.

Teaching Staff 

KS1 - Infants

Ms L Buglione

Ms L Buglione

Class Three Teacher
Year One Teacher

Ms R Deeley

Ms R Deeley

Class Four Teacher
Year One Teacher

Miss H Giles

Miss H Giles

Class Five Teacher
Year Two Teacher

Mrs Duffy

Mrs Duffy

Class Six Teacher
Year Two Teacher & Infant Phase Group Leader & Religion, SMC and RSE Lead


Support staff:

Class 3: Mrs Gutierrez

Class 4: Mrs Donlon

Class 5: Mrs Tomoriova & Mr Blake

Class 6: Ms Murnin 



Curriculum, Provision and Enrichment

We realise the importance of working as a team in Key Stage 1 and are dedicated to setting an example of working together as a staff to the children as well as promoting our school ‘FAMILY’ values. The children have the opportunity to play with one another in our 2 Infant playgrounds, following a rota that changes on a weekly basis. They also eat lunch together in our school hall, sitting next to different children each day. Every December we perform a KS1 Nativity to our parents and at Easter we celebrate with an Easter Bonnet parade and prayer service. We also come together as a phase group to participate in a liturgical service one a term, reflecting on what we have learned during our Religion curriculum.

We follow the KS1 National Curriculum at Corpus Christi and every half term each year group focuses on a topic that we will connect to the National Curriculum subjects below. More topic details can be found in our termly newsletters.

  • Maths
  • English
  • Religion
  • Science
  • Design and Technology
  • History
  • Geography
  • Art and Design
  • Music
  • Physical education (PE)
  • Computing
  • PSHE

When children begin Year 1 the emphasis is ensuring the children have a smooth transition from the EYFS curriculum to the Key Stage 1 curriculum. During the first term, the children are taught all subjects through a ‘carousel’ method: where children learn through play and games at the classroom tables in the morning. The afternoons consist of ‘free choice’ with activities catered around the topic of the half term. As the children settle in to their new surroundings and become more independent they will be sat at the tables more in preparation for Year 2.

There are many trips outside school and visitors into school to enrich the children's learning. Due to the global pandemic, trips outside schools and visitors into school have been suspended until further notice. This is to keep children and adults safe whilst observing government guidance. 


Year 1 Phonics Screening Check

The check will take place during the week of Monday 6 June 2022.

The government requires a phonic screening check to be taken with every Year 1 child to help assess children’s phonic ability. It will involve each child reading 40 words out loud to a teacher on a 1:1 basis and is treated like a normal reading session. Parents will be informed of results and children who did not achieve the expected standard will have the opportunity to do it again in Year 2. They will be identified for additional support in reading. Please be reassured, phonics is only one aspect of reading and we cover all of the many aspects within school, with an emphasis placed on ensuring reading is seen as fun and as an enjoyable activity.

In Year 2, there is a focus on preparing the children to become independent and curious learners. They have an opportunity to be nominated and elected to School Council and the Green Team as a class representative. Children are also given extra responsibilities by having the opportunity to be a playground monitor, ensuring that younger children are looked after and encouraged to play. They will also get to be paired with a Year 5 pupil as part of our ‘Buddy Scheme’ which prepares the children for when they go into Year 3 and have to use the Junior playground. By having a ‘buddy’, we find it really helps the children by knowing they recognise a friend when they make the transistion from Infants to Juniors.


End of Key stage 1 tests

Year 2 are required by the government to complete the End of Year tests (SATs).

Key stage 1 tests cover:

  • English reading
  • English grammar, punctuation and spelling
  • Maths










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