Dear Visitor

We are delighted to welcome you to our school. On arrival you will be asked to sign in and you will be given a visitors badge, you must wear this badge and ensure it is visible at all times throughout your visit. 

Visitors Badges

Please wear your visitors badge at all times whilst on school premises. Anyone without a badge will automatically be challenged by a staff member and escorted back to the school office.

Working with children

Once you have signed in, you will be asked to read through the information contained in this leaflet and sign a register saying that you have done so. Please show your DBS clearance to a member of the administrative team on your arrival. Only visitors who have DBS clearance are allowed to work with pupils at the school. Visitors without clearance must be accompanied by a member of staff at all times.


Contractors must report to the school office and equipment must comply with current legislation. Information on the locations of asbestos are contained in the school’s LAMP Policy obtained from the School Business Manager.

 Acceptable Use

Whilst we recognise personal communication through mobile technologies is an accepted part of everyday life, we acknowledge that we have a duty to ensure that mobile phones/tablets/laptops are used responsibly at this school. We ask parents and all school visitors not to use their mobile phones on school premises for the making or the receiving of phone calls and especially for the taking of photographs.

We ask you to support a whole school safeguarding approach and alert the designated persons for safeguarding if you feel the behaviour / actions of any member of staff or pupil may be a cause for concern or inappropriate. Details of designated leads can be found overleaf. If you require WiFi access for your work purposes during school hours, please request a password to our guest network from the school office.


Visitor’s Lunches

If you are in the school all day and would like to order a school lunch, please speak to one of the admin team giving your full name and making a payment of £3.50 before 10.30am.


Staff Conduct

The school’s Staff Charter is displayed in the staffroom and outlines our code of conduct towards each other in the workplace.

If you are concerned about the conduct of a member of staff, following an observation or a disclosure, please inform one of the safeguarding designated members of staff.


  • Observe the professional dress code
  • Be professional in your interactions so as not to be misinterpreted
  • Avoid physical contact  with a child unless protecting them or others from harm
  • Avoid being alone with a child
  • Seek advice and support  from the Phase Group Leader relating to behaviour issues


We are committed to ensuring that all our children are protected from the risk of radicalisation; we protect them from radicalising influences, building their resilience to extremist messaging, early identification of vulnerable children or any changes in behaviour and robust processes for dealing with these issues.


 Child Protection Procedures 

Policy Statement:

 We believe all staff have an important and unique role to play in child protection.

 We believe:

 • Schools can contribute to the prevention of abuse

 • All children have the right to be protected from harm

 • Children need support which matches their individual needs including those who may have experienced abuse


To meet the above aims, all staff should:

 • be familiar with the school's child protection policy (on

REACT calmly

LISTEN carefully and do not promise confidentiality

DO NOT ASK leading questions and judgements

REASSURE the child they are doing the right thing

RECORD carefully in the child's own words including how and when the account was given on the school’s CAUSE FOR CONCERN form

  • be alert to signs and indicators of possible abuse; PHYSICAL, SEXUAL, EMOTIONAL and NEGLECT
  • share your concerns with the designated person
  • deal with disclosure of abuse from a child in line with the school’s policy
  • be involved with ongoing monitoring and recording to support the implementation of individual education programmes and inter-agency child protection and child support plans.
  •  be subject to DBS vetting
  • be expected to behave in accordance with the schools general behaviour policy

 Child Protection

All concerns should be directed immediately to:

Designated Persons  Deputy DSLs Nominated Governor 

Mrs. J Connery 

Mr. R Coyle

Mrs. K Smart

Mrs Cole 

Ms. S Ruiz

Ms Miranda Sawyer


A full version of the Child Protection Policy is available for all staff, this should be read through prior to starting work with children and confirmation this information is understood and signed.  This is available here. 


 First Aid Information 

 At Corpus Christi we take the health and wellbeing of our pupils very seriously. So we have arranged our First Aid provision as follows:

A number of teaching & support staff are qualified first aiders. Some staff have had further training giving them enhanced and pediatric skills enabling us to cater for the needs of all our children.

All adults working with children should make themselves aware of children with specific conditions that may require emergency assistance and know who is trained to provide that assistance, this includes the use of Epipens or other medication. A defibrillator  is stored in the main office.

Guidance on dealing with medical issues is displayed in all 1st Aid areas inside Nursery, outside Class 1, and Class 3 and inside Class 9. There is also a 1st Aid box in the Main and Upper Hall.


Area First Aid Trained Teaching Staff  First Aid Trained Support Staff 
EYFS Mrs Powell (m)

Mrs M Channer (m)

Key Stage 1   Mrs Duffy (p) Mrs M Tomorriova (p)
Key Stage 2 

Mrs Giles  (p)

Mrs Cole (m)

Miss Bunyan (p)

Ms T Murnin (m)

Mrs F Richmond (p)

Mrs D Humpage (m,p)

Miss K Brown (p)

Breakfast Club   Mrs M Channer (m)
After School Care   

Ms T Murnin (m)

Mrs D Humpage (m,p)


Other School Personnel 

Mrs Connery (m)

Mrs Smart (m)

Mrs Tatton (m,p)
Key  (p) = Pediatric Trained  (m) Administering Medication Trained. 


 Evacuation Procedures 


If you discover a Fire

Operate the nearest fire alarm call point.


Evacuate the


using the nearest available exit,
shutting all doors as you leave and go to the Assembly Point

Mrs. Tatton
Ms. Ruiz


Will call the Fire Service.


Teachers  or TAs


Will ensure all children are  kept safe away from the main building.


Fire Marshalls


will sweep the building and ensure everyone has evacuated and Report to the heads, that their area is clear.


Mrs. Connery


Mr. Coyle


will check the building is empty and that everyone is accounted for.

Will liaise with the fire service when they arrive.

Is the responsible person.



Do NOT re enter the building until authorised by the attending fire crews.

Lockdown Procedures:

If there is a threat to the children and staff’s safety in the local vicinity the school’s 2 Level Lockdown Policy will be triggered:

· Partial Lockdown; if due to an external incident,
children are to remain or be returned to class after a call from the school office; lessons as normal.

· Total Lockdown; if the school is the target, children to are to be kept safe in a secure environment with
possible evacuation. No return to school if off site.



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