As many of you know, the PA plays an important role in organising events throughout the school year - primarily to fundraise for the school. Every parent is a member of the PA and we welcome you to find out more about what we do and get involved in our activities.

In the past, the PA has organised cake sales, children’s discos, St Patrick’s celebrations, bingo nights, race nights and an annual Christmas fair. These events and many others are a great chance to meet other parents, catch up with friends and get involved in fundraising for the direct benefit of the school and ultimately for all our children. In the past the PA has funded, among other things, iMacs and ipads, playground equipment, classroom resources and the school minibus. This year, the PA also became a registered charity.

Ways to get involved:

Join PTA Social, our online community, to find out more about our calendar of social events at Corpus Christi, details of PA meetings and ways in which you can become more involved in the fundraising activities.  New member should click on this link: If you are already a member, click on this link:


This year’s committee are:



Izabela Kowzan TBC


Co- Secretaries  

Aoife Ni Mhorain 

Chanelle Wray 



Izabela Kowzan 

Louise Plunkett


Events & Officers   

Samantha Ianiciello

Isla Farotto

Tara Breeze

Ursula Baker

Patrick Schrijnen  


Events & Volunteer Officers (Cake Sales) 

Di Simms 

Kate Borgust  

2024-25 Events & Volunteer Officer  (Bingo)  Blaithnaid Duffy   
2024-25 Events & Volunteer Officer  (2nd Hand uniform)
Jackie Dennett Victoria Hingston




The PA committee are always looking for volunteers to help run the fundraising events so please do get in touch with any of us above or come along to any of the PA meetings if you are able. Keep an eye on the weekly newsletter for PA news and for flyers in your child’s book bag.

Parent Association Meeting Minutes

Parents Association Minutes

Parent Association Forms

PA Forms

Parents Association Financial Documents 

Parents Association Financial Information


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