Mr Michael Kelleher - Religious Education, RSE & SEMH Lead

Religion, RSE & SEMH Lead

Mrs Aisling Duffy

Mrs Aisling Duffy

Religion, RSE and SEMH Lead

Link Governor-Fr Matthew O'Gorman 

At Corpus Christi School we aim to give children a deeper knowledge and understanding of their Catholic faith. We aim to guide and foster the growth in faith of each individual child and to make prayer, worship and the liturgy meaningful and relevant experiences.

The religious, spiritual and moral education of the children is given high priority here. We regard religious education as more than a curriculum subject. It is something that guides every area of our school. As a Catholic school we aim to educate the whole child, and our ethos is inseparable from the curriculum.

Religious education is taught through lessons using the ‘Come and See’ programme and also through celebrations, prayer and everyday experiences in school.


The children at Corpus Christi regularly attend Mass with the parish. We celebrate together at the beginning of each term and on several feast days throughout the year. In addition, we hold a phase group Liturgical Celebrations.

Parents are very welcome to join us at all Masses at Corpus Christi.

Holy Communion and Penitential Services

Children begin their preparation for First Holy Communion and Confession at their local parish churches while they are in Year 3.

From that point on, children attend Penitential Services in the church during Lent and Advent.


The children pray in school at various times during the school day and in the collective worship of assemblies.

They will learn a range of prayers during their time at Corpus Christi, and in Year 2, each child receives their own Corpus Christi prayer book in a special ceremony conducted by the parish priest.

All children should know the Our Father and the Hail Mary.

Relationship and Sex Education 

In the academic year 2020/21, Relationships Education and Health Education became statutory in all primary schools in England. This new subject will build on the non-statutory lessons we have previously taught in RSE. RSE is an abbreviation of Relationships and Sex Education. At Corpus Christi School, we have always had an RSE policy in place and have taught this subject across all year groups for many years.

We have adopted Life to the Full by Ten Ten Resources. This scheme is recommended by the Education Commission for the Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark.  Parents are invited to take part in our consultation on our delivery of RSE at School we ask you to do that by :

· Watching the Google Slides presentation which outline the content and delivery of the Ten Ten scheme of work across the key stages in school

· Complete this questionnaire


Religious Education

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