Lambeth Catholic Schools Partnership

Lambeth Catholic Schools Partnership comprises all the Catholic primary and secondary schools in Lambeth. These are:

  • La Retraite (girls’ secondary);
  • Bishop Thomas Grant (mixed secondary);
  • Corpus Christi (mixed primary);
  • St. Helen’s (mixed primary);
  • St. Anne’s (mixed primary);
  • St. Bernadette (mixed junior);
  • St. Bede’s (mixed infant and nursery);
  • St. Andrew’s (mixed primary);
  • St Mary’s (mixed primary)

The schools work together in a number of ways with a focus on developing a community of Catholic learners, both adults and children.  Some of the ways in which we work together include:

  • Forums for headteachers, deputy headteachers, inclusion managers, SENCos, early years leaders and subject leaders;
  • Joint projects for the Year of Faith;
  • Shared experiences for pupils, for example sports and music events, pupil retreats and conferences, joint projects for more able pupils;
  • School to school support for staff, including mentoring and shared professional development.

The Cluster Convenor is Deborah Hogan from St. Bernadette’s Junior School.


Lambeth School Partnership 

The Lambeth Schools Partnership (LSP) strengthens Local Authority, schools and other educational settings partnership work to accelerate school improvement across the borough while providing professional support and challenge to all educational institutions in Lambeth. The LSP coordinates, signposts and brokers a range of providers offering training, traded services and advice.  

LSP members are expected to:

  • Sign Up to the LSP Vision & Values
  • Elect LSP Cluster Board Representatives
  • Take Responsibility for Borough-Wide Outcomes
  • Provide Expertise, Best Practice and Peer Support

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