Below are awards which have been given to Corpus Christi and links to the awarding bodies.
STARS – Sustainable Travel: Active, Responsible, Safe
Gold Level Accreditation
TfL's STARS accreditation scheme inspires young Londoners to think differently about travel and its impact on their health, wellbeing and the environment
STARS is TfL's accreditation scheme for London schools and nurseries. STARS inspires young Londoners to travel to school sustainably, actively, responsibly and safely by championing walking, scooting and cycling. STARS supports pupils' wellbeing, helps to reduce congestion at the school gates and improve road safety and air quality. We were delighted once again to have received Gold level accreditation in November 2021, we thank our pupils and parents for supporting us in this sustainable transport initiative.

Pupil Premium Awards 2016
The School has won the local award in the KS2 category of the Pupil Premium Awards 2016. To be eligible to enter for a key stage 2 award, schools must have either: Consistently high attainment at level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths for disadvantaged pupils between 2013 and 2015 or Significant improvement in the percentage of disadvantaged pupils achieving level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths with: sustained and high levels of improvement between 2013 and 2015 where the school has published results for all three years or significant improvement in their three year averages, if the school did not have sufficient numbers of disadvantaged pupils or other pupils to have published results for all three years. Schools must also have high percentages of disadvantaged pupils making expected progress in reading, writing and maths, sustained high or non-declining attainment for non-disadvantaged pupils, and be judged good or outstanding by Ofsted. We are very proud of this award as it shows that every child is given the opportunity and resources to achieve their potential.

Eco-Schools is an international award programme that guides schools on their sustainable journey, providing a framework to help embed these principles into the heart of school life.

Healthy Schools Award
Awards are for schools to recognise their achievements in supporting the health and wellbeing of their pupils. There are three levels of award: Bronze: is awarded to schools that complete either a Local Healthy Schools Review or our Healthy Schools London Review Tool (Bronze Award) and achieve the requirements. Award Received March 2020

British Council
Managed by the British Council, the International School Award is a supportive and motivational framework that guides schools through their international work. With three certified levels, and free in the UK, the award will take you from introducing international work to the curriculum, to embedding it within your school’s culture. Foundation Level Awarded