Curriculum at Corpus Christi 

History, Geography, Art & Design and Design & Technology Overview


At Corpus Christi, we aim to nurture, motivate, educate and to inspire all children to become lifelong learners and to achieve the best they can. Our broad and balanced curriculum ensures our pupils are able to transfer skills with ease between each subject.

Through our collaborative curriculum, we aim to develop confidence, risk taking, logical thinking and develop our pupils’ enquiring minds. We have created units that would allow our foundation subjects to compliment each other, whilst still retaining the importance of focused subject learning.





We want to offer a creative way to develop children’s knowledge, skills and understanding while motivating them to learn through stimulating, interconnected topics. Our collaborative curriculum allows for investigations that engage our pupils’ imaginations and gives our teachers the opportunities to encourage active inquiry, taking the initiative, and discussion and debate by our pupils. 



Our curriculum planning ensures that each of our curriculum subjects (history, geography, art and DT) are taught explicitly but provide engaging links with another subject. Whilst revisiting links with the National Curriculum throughout the year, our overview was created to allow our pupils to know more, remember more and to understand more about the ever-changing world that they live in.  


Our collaborative units span over a half term, culminating in a final art or DT project. Our pupils are expected to apply the knowledge they have learnt, which in turn leads to excitement about further understanding and discoveries. They are then able to reflect on concepts and ideas and interact with each other as they dig deeper into the focus of the lessons.



Collaborative learning prepares the way for pupils to learn and work together, which is more reflective of real life, preparing our pupils for the real world. Collaborative learning also allows pupils of all attainment levels to gain confidence, participate more and work together.





Learning collaboratively helps them see the transferability of different skills across their learning in a range of subjects. This leads our pupils to a greater awareness of themselves as learners and how they learn.  





We take pride in how cohesive our curriculum is across multiple subject areas - there are links across all subjects - this encourages children’s lifelong learning behaviours.  







We teach every subject discretely and have subject specialist teachers for Music, PE, Dance and Italian. Key Stage 2 children learn Italian with a Maestra from the Education Department of The Italian Consulate. We also have a school resident artist who runs week long Art projects in every class in the school.

We provide numerous after school clubs, including Little Legs, Italian, Ballet, Street Dance, Gymnastics, Samba Reggae, Football, Cookery and Art as well as further sporting clubs.

Italian - Modern Foreign Language Overview

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