The pupil premium funds the school to support the achievement, enrichment and wellbeing of children who are in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) at any time over the last 6 years. The funding received for the financial year 2024-25 is £119,410. This was based on 19.1% of the school population who are eligible for FSM over the past 6 years.

These children are carefully tracked so that such funding enables their specific needs to be addressed through a range of intervention strategies, ensuring that they make at least age related expectations or higher. In addition, pupil premium children will have access to a wide variety of enrichment activities and programmes, which will have a positive impact on their achievement and aspirations for the future.

Our Pupil Premium Statement covers;

  • Strategy Plan
  • Challenges
  • Outcomes
  • Activities for this Year 
  • Review of outcomes for previous year 

Pupil Premium

If you would like to check your child's eligibility for Free School Meals please complete this form 

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