Appeals for Reception Places, September 2025

If the Governors have not been able to meet your preference for a place at this school for Reception, starting in September 2025, you may appeal against the decision to an independent school admission appeals panel.

  1. You will need to complete an appeals form.
  2. The completed form needs to be emailed back to by 12 noon on Friday 2nd May 2025, should you wish to submit a hard copy, this should be addressed to;

The Clerk of the Appeals Committee
Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School
Trent Road
London SW2 5BL

Appeals submitted by this date will be heard within a month of receipt. The proposed date of the hearings is Monday 19th May 2024, to be confirmed.

You will receive at least 10 days’ notice of your appeal hearing time.

You must ensure that any additional evidence you wish to submit in support of your appeal is received by the Clerk at least four working days before your appeal.



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