"The school has high ambitions for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). All pupils are integrated seamlessly into their classes, with pupils eager to help each other out with learning. Pupils who require additional support or adaptations have these delivered skilfully by staff. Because of this, pupils with SEND can successfully access the same learning as others. Leaders are well trained and knowledgeable about pupils’ needs. They make sure that staff also have the necessary expertise to support pupils effectively in progressing through the curriculum. Pupils achieve exceptionally well, including those with SEND."
Ofsted Report, May 2024
Claire Seddon - SEND Coordinator.JPG)
Thomas Chesser - Link Governor
SEND Provision
At Corpus Christi, we strive to remove barriers to learning and participation, provide an education that is appropriate to pupils’ needs, and promote high standards and the fulfilment of potential for all pupils, including those with SEND. We aim to work in partnership with parents to and ensure that children with SEND are challenged and supported. The inclusion of children with SEND in the whole life of the school is very important to us.
Pupils with special educational needs are supported and extended first and foremost by their class teacher. All teachers are teachers of children with special educational needs and we firmly believe that high quality teaching for pupils with SEND is high quality teaching for all.
Where children require support that is different from, or additional to others in their class we work with a variety of additional professionals including: speech and language therapists, educational psychologists, occupational therapists, autism advisory teachers, literacy specialist teachers, emotional literacy support assistants and teachers from the visual impairment and hearing impairment services.
We are committed to:
• ensuring all pupils can access the best possible teaching
• promoting positive relationships, active engagement, and wellbeing for all pupils
• adopting a positive and proactive approach to behaviour
• complementing high quality teaching with carefully selected small-group and one-to-one interventions
• working closely with parents and specialists
• accessing high quality CPD for staff
• listening to children and parents about what works well
Our Approach
At Corpus Christi we use the “waves of intervention” approach to help us identify the level of support needed by each child. Class teachers and the SENDCO work together with parents at each stage.
Initial Concern: observe and monitor
Wave 1: support through high quality teaching. Teachers have a wide range of strategies, which they can use daily and flexibly in response to individual needs, using them as the starting point for classroom teaching for all pupils, including those with SEND.
Wave 2: in addition to high quality teaching, children attend support groups for targeted interventions to address specific gaps in their learning. These interventions are time limited, and progress carefully monitored.
Wave 3: children who are named on the teacher’s planning as they require differentiation or special resources different from the typical class differentiation. These children also receive support from outside agencies or specialist staff. Targeted support is planned using the assess, plan, do, review approach and is discussed with parents, teachers, SENDCO and child.
Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP): for those who need more support than is available through special educational needs support. Children go through statutory assessment involving the Local Authority and a multi-disciplinary team. They may have an adult who works 1:1 with them within the classroom and/or follow a separate scheme of work from the class, planned specifically to meet their needs whilst challenging and extending them. This work is planned by the class teacher, SENCO and LSA. Children with EHC plans spend the majority of their time with their class, and take part in all class activities, trips and performances.
‘Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities make exceptionally good progress because of the very effective way they are challenged and supported in their learning by class teachers and their assistants’
Ofsted Report January 2010
We are proud of the diversity of our school community and the successful inclusion of children with SEND. Children with SEND make excellent progress and the vast majority transfer to mainstream secondary schools.
Our parents have told us:
“Corpus Christi Primary and in particular teachers, classroom assistant and the SEN team have been incredibly supportive as always and keep us abreast of progress and particular areas of concern. “
“At school I am very happy with the staff and specially with the school’s SENCO and their teachers because they look after (name) very well.”
For further details please refer to the school’s SEN policy.
For more information on the school's Accessibility Plan please refer to the school's Equalities Policy
For more information on Lambeth’s SEND Local Offer: https://beta.lambeth.gov.uk/lambeths-send-local-offer
SEND Documents