At Corpus Christi we believe that a Catholic education develops the full potential of all young people, leading to their life-long activities being guided by the Spirit and presence of Christ, in the service of God and of others.

It is a unique journey through education as it puts all learning and teaching in a Catholic moral context ultimately both challenging and supporting young people to develop in mind, body and spirit. The role of a Catholic school is to help everyone in the school community to discover the true value and dignity of each and every human being.

The school focuses on the education of the whole child and it is centred on Gospel values and reflecting on the teaching of the Catholic Church. Parents are the first educators of their child in faith and a strong home-school link is fundamental in supporting the school in its mission.

Please take a look below at some of the activities that have taken place so far this academic year to live out the Gospel values and strengthen our community links:


May Procession

The May Procession and Crowing of Our Lady took place this week. The weather was lovely and the flowers looked beautiful. Fr. Matthew and Fr. Mebrate also blessed the new statue of Mary in our Memorial Garden. 


St. George's House Day

The feast of St. George fell on a Sunday this year, so the St. George's children didn't go to mass, but the still got together in the afternoon to eat some scones with jam and cream and spend some time together. 


Easter Bonnet Parade and Prayer Service

The EYFS and KS1 children recently took part in their Easter Bonnet parade and prayer service with Fr. Matthew.

Easter Bonnet 2023




Way of the Cross - March

The children in Years 3, 4 and 5 performed the annual 'Way of the Cross' production for the school community. They used prayer, song and drama to retell the story from the Last Supper up to the Crucifixion. Take a look at the year group Google pages for more photos. 

Way of the Cross 2023







Visit to the Croydon Mosque

As part of our understanding of other world faiths and links with the local community, the Year 5 children had a fantastic visit to the Croydon Mosque where they met Inaam-ul-haq Malik . They were able to discuss the different parts of the mosque and take a look at the central prayer area.


Lent Collection - Catholic Children's Society

The children have all been given a money box to collect donations for the Catholic Children's Society during this Lenten period. This week, we had a talk from the society and learnt about the good work they do and how the money we raise is spent. 

Find out more about their work at


St. David's Feast Day

To celebrate the feast of St. David the children from St. David's house attended the parish mass and the House Captains and Deputies read the readings of the day. 


Ash Wednesday

The children from Years 2 - 6 went to mass with Fr. Matthew to receive their ashes, marking the beginning of the season of Lent. The younger children received their ashes in class with Fr. Mebrate. During the season of Lent we will all think about what we can sacrifice or do to bring us closer to God. If you would like any Lent recources to use at home, please take a look at:


Holocaust Memorial Day

This Friday, 27th January, is Holocaust Memorial Day. On Sunday, the school choir were invited to take part in Lambeth's annual Holocaust Memorial Day service at the town hall. The children sang three songs and were able to listen to a holocaust surviver who told her sotory of how she came to live in England with her family after escaping persecution. The theme of this year's event is 'ordinary people', more information can be found here:

Holocaust Day






School Values Champions - Autumn 2, Aspirations

We have six school values which spell put the word FAMILY, and as a school we focus on a different value each half term. This is also linked to our work on emotional literacy and the Mood Meter. 

FAMILY values


The class teachers will select a child each half term who has demonstrated a good understanding of the value in their work or school life. They are then invited to a tea party with the head teachers! 

Last half term's tea party took place last week, the children had a lovely time and enjoyed their treats! 

FAMILY values aspiration



Visit to the South London Synagogue

As part of our understanding of other world faiths and links with the local community, the Year 3 children had a fantastic visit to the South London Synagogue and met Rabbi Nathan. They were able to discuss the different parts of the synagogue and take a look at the Torah scroll.

Synagogue Visit








Epiphany - January

To mark the beginning of the spring term, the children from Years 1 - 6 attended the parish mass to mark the feast of the Epiphany. Did you know...the mass responses are printed in the children's booklet so that they can take an active part in the service.  


Nativity Productions 

Here are some pictures from the EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 Nativity productions. It was lovely that Fr. Matthew and Fr. Mebrate were able to join us and give a special Christmas blessing. 

Nativities 22










Autumn Term Liturgical Services

All of the children throughout the school came together in their phase to celebrate and share their RE work from the autumn term. They brought their class candles and a selection of work and they sang and prayed together. 


St. Andrew's Feast Day

To celebrate the feast of St. Andrew the children from St. Andrew's house attended the parish mass and read the readings of the day. 


Community Involvement 

This week, the School Council's Community Action team delivered some food and provisions to the priest's house following the parish appeal for donations. Your donations are still very welcome, items can be dropped off at the church or school office.


Remembrance Service

The majority of the school community took part in the 2 minute silence to mark Armistice Day at 11am on Monday 11th November. The service began with the last post being played by the upper junior trumpeters and, following the 2 minute silence, the chaplains laid a wreath for each class at the altar. After singing Abide with Me, Fr. Mebrate spoke to the children and gave a blessing. We finished the service with two verses of God Save the King.








School Values Champions - Autumn 1, Faith

We have six school values which spell put the word FAMILY, and as a school we focus on a different value each half term. This is also linked to our work on emotional literacy and the Mood Meter. 

FAMILY values


The class teachers will select a child each half term who has demonstrated a good ubderstanding of the value in their work or school life. They are then invited to a tea party with the head teachers! 

Last half term's tea party took place last week, the children had a lovely time and enjoyed their treats! 

School Values - Autumn 1



Feast of All Saints

To mark the feast of All Saints, a holy day of obligation, the school community celebrated mass with the parish community. The service was prepared by Class 14.


Harvest Festival

Our annual Harvest Festival took place on the 18th October and was delivered by our newly appointed Chaplains. The school community generously donated a wide range of dried goods, clothing, shoes and toiletries which were all donated to the Ace of Clubs homeless charity based in Clapham.

You can find out more about their good work here:

Durinf the Harvest Festival we thanked godd for all that we have and we heard about the ways in which Harvest is celebrated around the world and in different faiths.

Harvest Festival 2022





Introducing our Chaplains

At the beginning of the school year the new chaplains were selected from Classes 10 and 11. Each chaplain was assigned to a class which they will help and guide throughout the academic year.


Southwark Diocese Beginning of Year Mass

At the end of September, Mr Coyle and Mr Kelleher took the Head and Deputy girls and boys to the Southwark Diocese beginning of year mass at St. George's Cathedral. We prayed for the children, staff, governors and parents of the catholic schools in our diocese and asked God to be with us in the academic year ahead.

We were lucky enough to meet Archbishop John Wilson after the mass.

Southwark mass 2022




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