Pupil Survey 2021-22
This year we used Computing to survey children’s experiences of life and learning at Corpus Christi School.
The survey was carried out from May 2022 to June 2022 . The children completed an anonymous online survey in the classroom.
All year groups from Years 2 to 6 were surveyed.
The main findings were:
96% of children enjoy their lessons
98% of children feel their teacher helps them in lessons
100% children feel safe at school and the vast majority find their lessons interesting
100% of children think that school encourages them to be independent and to take on responsibilities.
100% of children think school encourages them to respect people from other backgrounds and to treat everyone equally.
98% know there is an adult at school that, 'I can talk to if something is worrying me.'
96% of children think their teacher gives them work which challenges them.
98% of children felt that behaviour at Corpus Christi School was good.
95% of children know how well they are doing at school.
100% believe that, 'My school encourages me to look after my emotional and mental health.'
100% of children think that school encourages them to look after their physical health (For example, healthy eating and taking part in fitness).
86% of children take part in an after-school activities
The Future
Overall, the children are happy and feel safe at Corpus Christi School. The focus on well-being including: RULER, the Safe Space, Elsa, the PSHE & RSE curriculum and NSPCC workshops, has had a positive impact on the children's emotional and mental health. These learning and support strategies will continue to remain a priority.