Upper KS2 follow the national curriculum, more information on this can be found here 

Hello and welcome to the Upper Juniors.

Teaching Staff: 

KS2 - Upper Juniors

Miss Bunyan

Miss Bunyan

Class Eleven Teacher
Year Five Teacher

Miss Murphy

Class 12 Teacher
Year Five Teacher

Mrs Cole

Mrs Cole

Class Thirteen Teacher
Year Six Teacher & Assistant Headteacher

Miss Earle

Miss Earle

Class Fourteen Teacher
Year Six Teacher, Upper Juniors Phase Group leader and Diversity & Inclusion Lead

Support staff:

Year 5: Mrs Humpage, Miss Brand 
Year 6: Miss O Rourke, Miss Brown & Mr James

Curriculum, Provision and Enrichment

We realise the importance of working as a team in the Upper Juniors and are dedicated to setting an example of working together as a staff to the children as well as promoting our school ‘FAMILY’ values. We attend weekly KS2 assemblies together and have the opportunity to play with one another and socialise in the junior playground. We also eat lunch together in our school hall, sitting next to different children each day. At Christmas, all of the children take part in the annual Carol Service in the church and every Easter the Year 5 children perform in the ‘Way of the Cross’. The Year 6 children have the opportunity to perform their leavers’ production in the second half of the summer term. We also come together as a phase group to participate in a liturgical service one a term, reflecting on what we have learned during our Religious lessons. There are also many trips outside school and visitors into school to enrich the children's learning. 

We follow the KS2 National Curriculum at Corpus Christi and every half term each year group focuses on a topic that we will connect to the National Curriculum subjects set out below (more topic details can be found in our termly newsletters):
•    Maths
•    English
•    Science
•    Design and Technology
•    History
•    Geography
•    Art and Design
•    Music
•    Physical education (PE)
•    Computing
•    Modern Foreign Language 
•    Religious Education (under the guidance of Southwark Diocese)
•    Personal, social and health education (PSHE) 

Year 5

As the children move to the Upper Juniors in Year 5 children are rearranged so that they have the opportunity to work with new children or reacquaint themselves with friends they may have worked with in the past. It is during this academic year that we encourage parents to begin to think about secondary school choices. Visits to secondary school open days are encouraged and an after school meeting for parents takes place in the summer term where the Year 7 application process is fully explained.
The Year 5 children also look forward to their week-long residential camping trip at the beginning of June.

Year 6

At the year progresses, the Year 6 children begin to think more about the end of their time at Corpus Christi School and their transition to secondary school. In the past, this has included talks from Transport for London, the Metropolitan Police and First Aid courses as well as visits to and from their secondary schools.
The Year 6 children also prepare for their statutory end of primary school KS2 SATs tests which take place in the second week of May. The preparation for these tests also involves the children staying in school for extra ‘booster classes’ on a Thursday from the second half of the autumn term. 
Key Stage 2 tests cover:

•    English reading 
•    English grammar, punctuation and spelling
•    Maths – arithmetic and reasoning 
•    Writing (teacher assessed) 

More information about the SATs tests can be found here or at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/key-stage-1-and-2-national-curriculum-tests-information-for-parents 
As a reward for all of their hard work, the Year 6 children look forward to their week-long residential trip to the Little Canada PGL centre on the Isle of Wight, as well as various leavers’ activities. This culminates in the Leavers’ Service and BBQ in the last week of the summer term. 

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