PE Teachers

Mr S Gale - PE Coach

Mr S Gale - PE Coach

Hilda Bellamy - Link Governor 

The school has received an annual Government funding of £19,300 to be spent on PE and sport provision. We have committed to using these funds, in addition to school funds, to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision across the school. In analysing how we could best use these additional funds, we looked at the best long term investment to enhance our PE offer to the widest group of children. So we have enhanced the facilities and equipment in our upper hall to turn it into a fully functioning dance and fitness studio. 

This required the purchase of equipment such as weights, mats, storage and crucially the installation of air conditioning so that the space could be used all year round.  Last year we installed mirrors the full length of the hall to enable a better dance teaching experience. The much improved facilities have really encouraged children to embrace a more active lifestyle, learn new skills and improve their performance levels.

PE Budget and Expenditure

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