"High expectations extend beyond the academic. In music, for instance, the school has sought out rich opportunities for pupils to learn at a high level. This includes working with the Royal Academy of Music so that all pupils are able to learn to play musical instruments. The school’s band, steel pan ensemble and choir perform regularly. Pupils spoke enthusiastically about their experiences, such as working with visiting artists when developing their artwork."

Ofsted Report, May 2024

Music Staff

Ms K Brown

Ms K Brown

Class Music Teacher & Ensemble Lead

Mrs K Smart

Mrs K Smart

Music Lead

Weekly Music Lessons

Ms Brown teaches Music every week to all year groups across the school. In addition to this, the children have weekly singing assemblies where we sing Hymns, Carols, Religious songs, Seasonal songs, London songs, Old time Music Hall songs, Songs from around the world, Foreign language songs,  Pop songs, Rock songs, Reggae songs, Karaoke classics and we also take requests!

Music Lesson Overview

Which instruments do we offer peripatetic lessons for?

Music and music making is a big part of Corpus Christi School. We offer many different instrument lessons and ensembles throughout the year. Peripatetic teachers are employed to teach: piano, violin, flute, guitar, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, euphonium, saxophone, percussion, cello, drumkit, and recorder; with the result that learning a musical instrument at Corpus Christi is an option for most children. There are over 140 individual music lessons every week at Corpus Christi.

When do lessons happen?

The peripatetic lessons take place during the school day. The lessons are rotated on a half termly basis (with the exception of after school lessons) to ensure that children do not always miss the same part of the school day for their music lesson. 

Is there any whole class instrumental teaching?

We work in partnership with Lambeth Music Services who teach the Musitrax Band project to Year Three. This gives every child the opportunity to learn a wind, brass or percussion instrument, for a year at no cost to families.

We also work in partnership with The Royal Academy of Music Strings Programme who currently teach the Reception Classes. This project will expand into Years One and Two in 2022 and 2023.

Can my child take music examinations at Corpus Christi?

Many of our children take Associated Board of the Royal Colleges of Music examinations and Trinity and Guildhall Music examinations. These are either taken in school, or at nearby exam centres throughout the year. Since 2008, our children have taken and passed over 600 Music examinations on all the instruments we teach.

You will be informed by your child's peripatetic music teacher or Mrs Smart if your child is ready to take an exam.

Are there any bands, choirs or ensembles at Corpus Christi?

The World Famous Corpus Christi Band was established in 2006 and plays regularly at school events, such as the Christmas Fair, local Lambeth events, Concerts, and at the Lambeth Music Festival in the Queen Elizabeth Hall on the South Bank. This band was started to ensure that children wanting to carry on playing their instrument after the year three Musitrax project had the opportunity to learn and progress. There is no charge to parents for the Years 4, 5 & 6 band, however children wishing to join must sign up for weekly peripatetic lessons.

Lambeth Music Services chose our Year 4, 5 & 6 band to represent the New Curriculum review for Music. Past Education Secretary Michael Gove and Ed Vaizey a past UK minister for Culture visited Corpus Christi School to observe music being taught and to hear the band and see an excellent example of music practice in schools. Lambeth Music Services have also chosen Corpus Christi band to showcase the band project to representatives from the London Philharmonic Orchestra. The Band has even led a flash mob event in Brixton's Windrush Square to raise awareness of NHS services.

As well as the School Band we also have a Junior String Ensemble, led by Mr Mario consisting of violins, a viola and 'cellos. They perform regularly at School events and always play at the school's Carol Concert. There is no charge for the Junior String Ensemble. 

The School Choir (open to children in Years 5 & 6) is the biggest it has ever been, offering more children the opportunity to sing as performers and to specialise their vocal training. There is no charge to parents for the Choir. The Choir sings for pensioners at Christmas, at the South Bank festival, at Local Lambeth events and also around the local area. The Choir has been contacted numerous times to be recorded and has been used to represent various charities, the most recent being a song highlighting the plight of Street Children in Brazil. The choir is occasionally asked to sing at funerals in Corpus Christi Church and always leads the singing at school celebrations and events such as the Harvest Festival, The Carol Concert, Remembrance Day, Holocaust Memorial Day, The Way of the Cross and VIP visits.

Ms Brown leads a Samba Reggae Band which perform at school events and are training up the percussionists and drummers of the future.

Please make all enquiries regarding music, including bursaries, to Mrs K. Smart, the school’s Music Lead.

Music Tutors

James Moriarty

James Moriarty

Piano teacher, Composer, Band Leader, Accompanist & Music Examination Lead

Howard Cottle

Howard Cottle

Piano, Saxophone & Clarinet teacher

Jenni Britton

Jenni Britton

Flute teacher & Year Three Musitrax Lead

Mr Mario

Mr Mario

Violin teacher & String ensemble Lead

Ros Davies

Ros Davies

Trombone & Euphonium teacher

Alistair Martin

Alistair Martin

Trumpet Teacher




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